Saturday, December 03, 2005

Goldberg on the Congressional Christmas Tree

"Just this week, the Capitol performed its own minor Christmas miracle of transubstantiation. At the beginning of the week, House Speaker Denny Hastert unveiled a "holiday tree." But a few days later, after some entirely predictable bah humbugs, he rechristened it a "Christmas" tree. (Similarly, when the city of Boston tried to unveil its official "Holiday tree," the premier of Nova Scotia, which had provided it as a gift, called it a nifty trick since, "when it left Nova Scotia, it was a Christmas tree.")

These miracles aren’t exactly up there with keeping lamp oil burning for eight days, never mind rising from the dead, but they’re pretty good for government work.

Personally, I take no offense at the government unveiling a Christmas tree on the grounds of the “people’s house.” Besides, a place that in love with pork is hardly kosher to begin with."


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