Thursday, October 27, 2005

Nice work, people ...

"No conservative should be in a celebratory mood now that Harriet Miers has withdrawn her nomination. For one thing, reasonable conservatives who considered her unqualified for the Supreme Court conceded that she has had an accomplished career and that she has served the president loyally and, for the most part, well. Gloating would be unseemly. For another thing, the object of conservative agitation against Miers was to get a solid justice confirmed. So the conservative opponents of her nomination have not yet won a victory."

NRO says they won't (or shouldn't) celebrate, but can they take credit? Definitely. David Frum had to have been the most prominent, certainly the most assertive, critic of the nomination. I think he got the ball rolling based on impending rumors, even before the nomination was made. Next time maybe W will trust NRO.


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